French Butter Keeper

French Butter Keeper


If you love butter, this dish will change your life. A bold statement but true — the world needs more of these, so here they are!

The French butter keeper originated in France, in an area known for its pottery. It is an elegant solution for always having spreadable butter on hand, while also keeping it fresh at room temperature for weeks. The keeper consists of a lid resembling a bell which holds the butter, and a base into which the lid fits.

Fill the base with a few cm’s of tap water, which creates an airtight seal for the lid when placed into the base (I always do this over the sink incase you have overfilled the water) Then, pack cold butter tightly into the lid and place in the water-filled base, making sure the water rises over the mouth of the bell when submerged.

This way, no oxygen interacts with the butter and thus helps preserve it, eliminating the need for refrigeration.

Enjoy spreadable butter year round on a warm, crusty baguette!

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